School Of Athens

School Of Athens

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

John Sloan - McSorley's Saloon

The infamous McSorley's bar located in New York City caught my eye. This was painted by an artist by the name of John Sloan in 1912. John Sloan was an American artist born in Pennsylvania who took the name of a realist artist. He often painted neighborhood life in the city of New York. His paintings are often perceived as if you are viewing life from his "window". I would certainly agree with this statement after looking at his works.
In particular I really like this painting because of the genre and it is a famous landmark in New York City. I love how it is a blast from the past. I notice the bartenders uniform, the customers attire, how it is poorly lit and all men. Sloan really evokes feelings by a simple static image. Both sets of men seem as if they are in deep conversations. Curiosity comes into play and keeps you guessing about what they cold be speaking about.
As for the painting itself, Sloan uses various brush strokes that look like nothing up close but when seen from a far it all makes sense. Things come out of the woodwork, like the clock, wall paintings and the hat rack. I truly enjoy this painting.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

NY Metropolitan Museum Of Art

This Friday I visited the NY Metropolitan Museum of Art to view a painting by Edouard Manet, in particular I wanted to see the "Garden at Sainte-Adresse". I have seen this painting a bunch of times but never in person. I am truly glad that I made the trip to see this though.
As I wrote previously Edouard Manet is a French artist who was born on January 23, 1832 in Paris. He was born into a wealthy family and was persuaded by his uncle to attend college for the arts. He would also visit the Louvre at a very young age, which sparked his interest in painting. This specific painting was painted in summer of 1867 in the actual garden of Sainte-Adresse. The panting is also quite large and I personally didn't know that from looking at images.
The best part of seeing this masterpiece in person, was that I began to notice small details and even something so small like his signature. I also noticed the boats in the background and the detail in the wood fence. Not only did I notice more but, the colors were slightly more vibrant. Surprisingly seeing the painting in person made me appreciate it more. Maybe because it's one of my favorites but either way I truly do appreciate art that involves skill.
Now after viewing this piece of artwork I feel as if I have a better grasp on Manet's work. I now notice his technique, meanwhile back in the art history book it was very hard to take in. In person you can really become aware of his style. He has his own way of simple brush strokes that look like nothing, until it is looked at from a distance. For example in the picture above the flowers are uncomplicated dots and blends of colors. It is things like this that make Manet a truly exceptional artist.
I am extremely happy that I made the trip to see these paintings in person. Before this artistic journey I didn't realize how important it was to a see a painting up close.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Edouard Manet 1832-1883 Part 2

A Bar at the Folies Bergere

Even though we have discussed this particular painting in class I thought that it was a very important painting to include in this post. We talked about how the viewer is actually the man in the top hat ordering a drink. This is a perfect example of Manet exploring new techniques. The expression on the bartender tells a story in itself. You actually are sympathetic for her. From this painting we can tell that something isn't right. Maybe she is tired from being on her feet at work or just upset about something else. It actually looks as if she is thinking about something and got lost in her thought. After gazing at this painting for a little while you will actually realize that there is no actual detail but your eye knows exactly what was meant. This is an incredibly neat way of painting in my opinion. I believe that Manet seen this setting with his own eyes considering his quote about painting the present.

Edouard Manet 1832-1883 Part 1

Edouard Manet is a French artist who was born on January 23, 1832 in Paris. He was born into a wealthy family and was persuaded by his uncle to attend college for the arts. He would also visit the Louvre at a very young age, which sparked his interest in painting. Manet once said " that ones art should reflect ideas and ideals of the present rather then the past" and most of his art will reflect this quote.

During this time period Manet was described to use light brush strokes and is considered to be a main factor in the transfer of realism to the impressionism style of painting. He has influenced many artist and was the first to use certain techniques. Even though his paintings are old they are still recognized all over the world and has inspired many.