School Of Athens

School Of Athens

Saturday, January 28, 2012

What is Art?

Gene Davis, "Hot Beat" (1964)

What is Art?

So what is art? Does it have a definition? Some say art is anything that expresses feeling and some believe art can only be utensil to paper. There technically isn’t a wrong answer.

My opinion and definition of art is something that evokes a feeling but also takes some type of skill. Painting, drawing, graffiti, sculpting or even music are considered art in my eyes. I have thought about this topic for quite some time now and I feel as if I have come to a conclusion. I particularly think if a child can do it is not art. For example I do not believe Gene Davis, "Hot Beat" (1964) is art. (Picture Above) Another great example I have was a personal experience at the Museum of Modern Art. There was a pick plastic rectangle leaning against the wall and it really upset me that this was considered art. This took no skill or talent to be considered an artist. This exhibit was disrespectful to other artists who actually have the talent to create something visually pleasing.

The true definition of art is “The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture”. I would have to agree one hundred percent with this definition because it included the word skill. Art in my eyes is impressing and usually something the average person cannot do. This why artist are recognized for the their creations.

Everyone is entitled to his or her opinion and some may find that pink rectangle pleasing to the eye. So when it really comes down to what art actually is, it is what ever you enjoy looking at.


  1. “The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture”.
    Where is this from?
    My next question would be: what is skill?
    Good work Keith.
    Who is your favorite artist(s)?
    10 points

  2. I actually forget what website that definition is from but skill to me is a unique characteristic. Its rare and practice makes skill level higher. I don't particularly have a favorite artist but I like paintings from Leonardo's time period. I'm very interested in the stories behind those paintings more than the actual painting sometimes.
