School Of Athens

School Of Athens

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

John Sloan - McSorley's Saloon

The infamous McSorley's bar located in New York City caught my eye. This was painted by an artist by the name of John Sloan in 1912. John Sloan was an American artist born in Pennsylvania who took the name of a realist artist. He often painted neighborhood life in the city of New York. His paintings are often perceived as if you are viewing life from his "window". I would certainly agree with this statement after looking at his works.
In particular I really like this painting because of the genre and it is a famous landmark in New York City. I love how it is a blast from the past. I notice the bartenders uniform, the customers attire, how it is poorly lit and all men. Sloan really evokes feelings by a simple static image. Both sets of men seem as if they are in deep conversations. Curiosity comes into play and keeps you guessing about what they cold be speaking about.
As for the painting itself, Sloan uses various brush strokes that look like nothing up close but when seen from a far it all makes sense. Things come out of the woodwork, like the clock, wall paintings and the hat rack. I truly enjoy this painting.

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